Saturday, January 08, 2005

Cooking Your Own Nest Egg

E-The Environmental Magazine has a point!

Isn't it odd that while companies of foreign nations work to meet the European Union CO2 emission reductions major companies like Mobil and General Electric continue to ignore the threat of global warming? With a huge developing market for pollution-free vehicles and fuel alternatives, the US is missing profitable market opportunities and increasing its vulnerabilities in the financial and energy sectors. The world will be looking for energy solutions but the United States will still be gasping for more energy while forfeiting crucial technology leadership to others.

E, (January/February 2005 issue) reports a solution (subscription required) for investors: The nonprofit Civil Society Institute (CSI) has launched This website allows you to research the holdings of major mutual funds to determine weather they are part of the problem, or solution, to global climate change. You can make money while helping ease pollution. Win- win, anyone?

Then too, wouldn’t it be patriotic to help your country become stronger and smarter too?

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