During the amazing growth of this country at the turn of the century people were endlessly industrious in their everyday lives. Farmers worked from dawn to dusk plowing fields and raising cattle while their wives cooked, cleaned and raised children. Even visits were utilized as corn husking or harness mending sessions. Children’s toys, such as baby dolls and toy tools, were training and educating aids for the young. Yet, much has changed in mainstream America.
Today the masses have been manipulated into dazzled consumers and entertainment spectators. How many people do you know own a truck but who have never hauled more than an occasional refrigerator or bag of dog food? How many of those truck owners have cruise control and would never haul a load of gravel in their pampered four-wheeler? How many people watch and play games day after day? What are people preparing for and producing today?
Instead of manufacturing fuel alternative vehicles to sell to the world America is invested fully into increasingly inefficient gas guzzlers that run on a limited resource.
Our balance of trade deficits and declining dollar value signal the end to American industrialism. Our once industrious population has idle time on its hands. Gatherings are centered on gossip, entertainment and bragging not planning and preparing. Critical thought and discussions are too anti-American today. Government and media decide our individualism now, and apparently, most like it.
As a nation and individuals we are increasingly manufacturing and producing less and less as though we are preparing for nothing. Of course, there are some who are still moving towards self-reliance - those still preparing for the future.
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