Apparently some people think those who want to homestead must revert to the ancient ways - no electricity, no plumbing, no automobiles - that’s a lot like saying, people who do math must only use a paper and pencil while forsaking computers and calculators. Homesteading might mean outhouses or washing clothes down in the creek to some, but that is a narrow stereotyped interpretation that never fit.
Homesteading is a way of life - not of sacrifice. Indeed, homestead types are those gleaning the best in life while, in most cases, leaving a smaller footprint in society. Homesteaders are people who are moving toward self-reliance for many reasons, weather it be necessary due to a remote location, low income or even dissatisfaction with the status quo. Homesteaders have always embraced technology since it serves them to accomplish their objective of independence.
Originally homesteaders were self reliant people who staked out four corners of the countryside, drilled a well, built a house and farmed the land in exchange for title to that land. Today homesteaders are still staking out their self-reliance - what's that got to do with beating clothes on a rock?
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