Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why we don't eat the best foods available to us

When I grew up we trusted the nutritional "experts" and avoided lard in favor of Proctor & Gamble's money making, 100% trans-fat cotton seed oil, Crisco. They said Crisco was a light vegetable oil that was much healthier for us than lard - we now know it causes heart disease.  Of course, corporations want us to buy their products and eschew natural foods because they made big profits selling their product. Naturally, the USDA supported  big corporations and big agriculture - they were influenced by big business through lobbyists and generous campaign contributions to pliable candidates who would further their profit making agenda. Recipes were created that used cheap, and profitable, grains and commercial products, like Crisco while people paid dearly with money and their health.The challenge today is to make people aware of nature's bounty and create new recipes and food combinations that will nourish and satisfy.  

You can find some wild food recipes at Wildman Steve Brill's site:

You might also pick up Samuel Thayer's excellent books: Nature's Garden and The Forager's harvest.

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