Many people are constantly looking up at the vapor trails of jets passing overhead and trying to connect it with their health problems but that is not the problem at all.
Instead of looking up, folks should look down - that is where the problem originates. It is not a conspiracy, it is plain old greed, stupidity and shortsightedness. It's our food - it is toxic and deprived of nutrition. Our bodies weren't designed to run on toxin laced, food-like substances but that is exactly what our commercial food has become. It is simply the business of profits, and your health isn't in the equation.
Modern food is nutritionally deficient by the selection of high production varieties and fast growth promoting chemical fertilizers. Crops are sprayed with gut bacteria destroying toxins - digestive flora are responsible for making vital brain support substances like tryptophane and seritonin, metabolizing proteins and creating a healthy immune system.
Growing food that is health promoting is expensive while companies can make much better profits by selling something that just looks like real food. Don't believe me? Look at the people who eat well grown foods and people who grew up when food was still relatively good - they are healthier and most are getting really old. In contrast, people on our average modern diet are having heart attacks much earlier. Diabetes has become epidemic. Anxiety and mental health problems are rampant. In general, those who eat more organically are healthier and mentally fit.
"They" are not wasting money by spraying "chemicals". "They" are making money off us by selling us cheap imitation nutrition.
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