When a performer does a highwire act they endanger themselves, but when cooperations decide to alter food, compounds and lifeforms they endanger those far beyond their act. Take, for example, DDT, trans-fats and medical drugs like the sedative drug Thalidomide. These were all approved as safe but found to be harmful. Now we have some that tell us that genetically altered organisms, that may contain antibiotic properties, new lifeforms and viruses and/or funguses pose no problems for us – what could go wrong!
Corporate scientists SAY that they know what they are doing – again. At least a highwire performers only endanger their own lives. Why don't GMO developers experiment on themselves to see if they are correct? The answer is in the amount of money they will get by foisting unknown technology on an ill-informed public.
There are many who know nothing about genetics. Some of these people embrace the technology while others shun it for whatever reason they have - these people really just follow whatever sounds best to them. Then there are the scientists who know how to splice genes and create new lifeforms and many of them believe that because they can do this they understand the process and deem it safe - they don't. The problem with these people is that just because you can get on a highwire does not mean you can go through the act without killing yourself – you really need to be an expert or you are in trouble. That is the current problem with GMO's today – there are those who claim to be experts who, in reality, are merely just able to grasp the basic mechanics of the process - it's much more complicated.
To get to the bottom of the GMO controversy you need to go to the people who live there and find the real experts – the ones who aren't tied to the economic profits of their positions.
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