The first concern of citizens must be the welfare of the country where they live. You won't prosper and grow in an environment where things are falling apart around you. People must be politically aware, however political awareness is not enough. Any fool can march to a popular theme. Knowledge is vital and must be tempered with wisdom and experience. Today, it is apparent most are too busy to be bothered with their own thoughts. TV, Nascar, Football, Soap Operas and talk shows consume time of the vital self-thought process. In the end we have a population that is steered by an elaborate consumer/political machine, all made possible because Americans, and people in general, are gullible creatures. How else can you explain Jim Jones convincing 400 people to drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid or P.T Barnum's famous observation, "A sucker is born every minute"? Announce there is a toilet paper shortage, and boom, there is one! I'll get to examples in later posts. So how can one get off this train of insanity?
The first step to becoming thought self-sufficient is to gather the pros and cons and make your own decision. This sounds easy. Yet, a huge pitfall of one-sidedness awaits the intrepid thinker. Huge money rich corporations with a powerful vested interest in your support have a harem of marketers, lobbyists, media consultants, and public relations staffs employed to guarantee your opinion matches their goals - a virtual opinion cattle chute for the masses really exists and it is growing worse. With the merging of news companies and sources the information becomes corpromoginized. Objectivity has been thrown out with the independent newspaper bathwater.
How can a body sort out the issues today? A good detective will follow the money and interests to see what really is fact whereas today are trained to follow the pointing finger of corporate media. Are genetic crops really better or do the profits and increased sales of herbicides drive Monsanto to push genetically modified organisms? Do you believe that that under-arm deodorant will make you popular?
Mull it over a while.
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